My autobiography

   Hello!, my name is Fernando and this is my first post. I am 21 years old. I was born in Santiago of Chile.  I have a brother and his name is Cristobal. My parents are Marina and Fernando. I studied in Estela Segura School in Puente Alto. In this School I am studied the primary school and high school. I am studing Agriculture in the Agronomic Sciences Faculty, University of Chile. I am in my fourth year of study in the University. When I was eighteen years old chose study agriculture, honestly I didn't sure of my decision, buy today I am very happy for my choice. I love my career.

   Also in my free time I like listen music. My kind of music prefer are pop and electronica. Always I liked travel. I travel a lot place in Chile and when I finish of know my country I want follow knowing other places in the world.

   On the other hand, I dislike noise, and for this is that for my, live in Santiago it's ok, but I wish live in a place more relax, as the country.


  1. i like the music pop and electronic too but is better hip hop jajaja you should listen it! ;D and you are invited for travel with me to the next summer jajaja call me :P.See you! :*

    1. you recommend me a tune! ajaja and yes, we travel together :D

  2. We could practice more english and then we travel to english speaking countries!

  3. Wow, the noise pollution of Santiago is terrible for me too. The field is a good option for us!

  4. great! I also like to travel a lot, it's a very good experience and on the other hand I do not like the noise of Santiago either, it's horrible!

  5. Hellooooooo friend! I really liked knowing more about you and I also love that you are my partner in English class!! see you later <3


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